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Watercolors, Abstract, Pen Ink Artist

“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud``

Prized for the luminosity of its transparent colors, watercolor artwork is a water-based medium that is applied by brush, typically to white paper. As for Abstract artwork is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. And lastly, pen drawing or ink drawings, artwork executed wholly or in part with pen and ink, usually on paper. Pen and ink drawing is fundamentally a linear method of making images.

Timelapse of Some Art Work

There are specific techniques that help create a more effective performance for each type of acting

Single camera is when there is only one camera shooting, and it’s moved to various angles to get different shots. Multi-camera means multiple cameras are all shooting at the same time. The latter is still the popular method for sitcoms and soap operas

Gallery of Some Art Work

There are specific techniques that help create a more effective performance for each type of acting

Single camera is when there is only one camera shooting, and it’s moved to various angles to get different shots. Multi-camera means multiple cameras are all shooting at the same time. The latter is still the popular method for sitcoms and soap operas

Musa Mahoney is a Brazilian, French & Irish mixed American, along with being very worldly in different cultures and the environment. From her creative talents she's specializing in print, internet, commercial and television modeling, being an actress in film and television as well, a user generated content creator on Instagram and Tik Tok platforms and lastly an artist using watercolors, abstract, and pen ink showcasing them in selective galleries.